Eric Steltzer - Senior Consultant
In today’s
modern world, we are constantly striving for progress. It is expected that
lights will turn on when they are needed, trains will get people to their
destinations quickly and mobile phones can access the latest facebook posts
from even the most remote Munro peak. Progress is built on the bedrock of
stable and secure infrastructure, which requires constant enhancement and
renewal to meet our increasing demand. With a growing and shifting population
and the need to site new infrastructure within a densely populated area like
the UK, we are presented with a significant challenge.
The siting challenges
in the energy sector are greater still. The Government is looking to reduce the
cost of electricity in particular and last year passed the Electricity
Market Reform measures which strives to provide the financial security
required to raise capital to fund projects ‘off the books’. At the European
level we are also seeing leaders working to develop a framework to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by 40% below 1990 levels by 2030. Our energy market
will need to site new types of infrastructure which have greater security, lower
carbon intensities and minimise costs.
My interest
in environmental planning of infrastructure projects originated in 2001 when an
offshore wind project was proposed in the
waters near Cape Cod, Massachusetts U.S.A. This area had been my playing
ground growing up and I have a special attachment to it from my days of
catching striped bass from its waters. The project interested me because it was
the first time I experienced like-minded environmental groups pitted against
each other with claims of how the project would mar the ocean views, or that it
would solve all of our climate change concerns. These comments revealed less
about the actual benefits or impacts of the project, and more about the deep
values people held for the natural resources of the sound.
While the
project in Massachusetts is an ocean away, the public sentiment towards renewable
energy projects and the requirements for rigorous environmental assessments are
common place here in the UK. The public consent process grapples with questions
about noise impacts, disruption to protected wildlife species, or the effects
on housing prices. These factors can constrain the siting of these needed
services and drive up costs for the whole industry. Public consultation
features strongly in the consent process and Temple are running a training course on it in early December.
The offshore
renewable energy market will face considerable constraints on growth from
finding suitable locations. At the same time the Crown Estate has an ambitious
goal to have 10GW of electricity capacity by the year 2020, a tripling of the
current capacity. The cumulative impact assessments have been a focus in the
industry as a greater number of sites are approved. This combination of market
need with significant constraints present fertile ground for innovation and UK
in setting the boundaries of the development of the technology can help protect
the environment whilst ensuring that we can deliver the infrastructure that we
all need. At the RenewableUK annual conference in Manchester on 11-13 November, I will be presenting on environmental
economic methods that can gauge people’s value for the marine environment, such
as ocean views. It will hopefully produce a lively discussion on the merits to
these techniques and whether it can add value to current methodologies.
innovation challenge presents big questions. How will the market respond to the Contracts for Difference (CfD) mechanism in the EMR? Is £100/MWh by 2020 achievable for
offshore wind? Can wave and tidal energy technologies become financially viable
for wider commercial use? Is a European super grid possible?
These questions intrigue me. Similar to the environmentalists who are pitted
against each other in Massachusetts, it is the underlying values I find so
important: creating jobs for people in the UK; protecting our environment; and
supporting affordable energy for vulnerable populations. These are common core
goals behind the questions, and they are goals that few people oppose. It is
through these common values that we can find mutual partnerships to overcome
hurdles, and drive new insights to accomplish our joint aspirations.